„Live your fat life“

Cat aus Neuseeland erzählt von ihrer Asienreise als dicke Frau – und hat eine bemerkenswerte Erkenntnis: Als dicker Mensch verzichtet man auf vieles, weil man Angst davor hat, ausgelacht oder lächerlich gemacht zu werden. Was für ein Quatsch.

„As we were riding back in the boat towards the dock, it occurred to me that in the past I had often made decisions out of the fear of what might go wrong or what might happen when my fat body tried to engage. I skipped river trips, let love slip through my fingers, and told myself it would all be different once I was someone else. I had missed out on a lot. Due to my fear and anxiety. Not due to my fat body.

Live your fat life. Right now. It is the only one you get. Live your fat life. Take vacations. Buy yourself the clothes that you want to wear. Live your fat life. Do all the things you want to do. Go all the places you want to go. Live your fat life. Eat good food. Splash in the waves. Capture your favourite moments on film. Live your fat life. Live it proud, and loud, and without apology. Live fat. Love fat. Be fat. Live your fat life.“